Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A work in progress - exciting! :)

So we have entered, or rather are going to enter the film that we're working on in a No Budget Film Festival (what we do every week, so we figured why not submit one!). By far the biggest thing we've under taken took us awhile to settle on a script, because we knew we wanted to do something different and that would be challenging for us, so we decided to do a musical...why not? :) We figure go big or go home...our original musical idea was to do a spoof of Glee, but that's kind of difficult to do when you...don' So this idea was born out of an idea pitched to us for a film by a friend on Saturday night (we have to have the film submitted by the following Sunday)...I'd post it but I don't want to ruin the short :)

We're using some fun new toys with this one (borrowed of course), thank you Seth!

Here are some stills from our first night's shoot -

And I almost forgot! Derek (Shorb) was AMAZINGLY gracious and let us shoot at his apartment at 8 in the morning, and myself Nanea, Seth and Nathan busted it out in amazing time - so amazing that I took a picture! :) We gave ourselves til 10a to be wraping, and we were walking out at...

I was very proud of us :)

And then next morning it was a musical number in the front yard...with the marvelous Bryan Cooper lending us his beautiful self for a key moment.

I didn't get as many picture as I would have liked while we were filming, but you'll just have to wait and see the whole thing together! :) 

And here are a few stills from what we did in the evening - I haven't mentioned it yet but Angie Hobin is in this one and she is FANTASTIC and absolutely hilarious. 

Aaaaaand this is what Monkey House looks like when we're shooting :)

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