Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Week number 2 of Season 2 (as it has been decided are are now in, after our break :) - this was a fun one. In true Teaser Tuesday fashion, we didn't know exactly what we were going to be filming, but seeing as we have so many hilarious and talented friends we decided to give two of them a premise and let them run with it. Possibly not the best idea to have one of them wielding a prop gun into the wee hours of the morning before we have curtains in the house, but fortunately the cops didn't get called :)

I had SUCH a hard time keeping a straight face during this one, Matt (Thompson) and Justin (Jones) were constantly making me laugh with their improv - as soon as I'd gotten used to and been desensitized to one of the beats they came up with something else! Editing is going to be a b*tch with this one, because there was so much good stuff - including some seriously heart breaking moments from Seth getting his little piggies smashed.

And here it is!


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