Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Just kidding! :)

So we nixed "War"...maybe we'll release it one day? Ok probably not.

BUT in its stead we released another short - marking the first time that we had an under 24hour turn around, from inception to post! In true Teaser Tuesdays fashion, there's always a first :)

I was only home when I was filming, so I didn't get any pics for this week. Going so fast there wasn't any time! And here it is -


Next up, mixer tomorrow night for the No Budget Film Festival next week! So excited, it's an exciting week we've got coming up!


Monday, August 15, 2011


After the intensity of last week's project (which is currently down, as the No Budget Film Festival requested, BUT will be up August 26th as soon as the event is over!) we did something a bit more low key this week...WAR! :) It was a pretty quick fun shoot, hopefully you'll enjoy watching myself and Seth duke it out.

And here's Nanea rocking the editing!



Friday, August 12, 2011

No Budget Film Festival update

So not only did we finish "Til Death Do Us Part" (as the film found its name to be), but we are finalist and will be screened along with 14 other films (out of 50+ submissions) for a panel of industry professionals on August 25th! We are completely over the moon, especially since this is the first time we have submitted any of our work to...anything.

We so excited!

Oh my god, I just went there.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A work in progress - exciting! :)

So we have entered, or rather are going to enter the film that we're working on in a No Budget Film Festival (what we do every week, so we figured why not submit one!). By far the biggest thing we've under taken yet...it took us awhile to settle on a script, because we knew we wanted to do something different and that would be challenging for us, so we decided to do a musical...why not? :) We figure go big or go home...our original musical idea was to do a spoof of Glee, but that's kind of difficult to do when you...don't...watch...Glee. So this idea was born out of an idea pitched to us for a film by a friend on Saturday night (we have to have the film submitted by the following Sunday)...I'd post it but I don't want to ruin the short :)

We're using some fun new toys with this one (borrowed of course), thank you Seth!

Here are some stills from our first night's shoot -

And I almost forgot! Derek (Shorb) was AMAZINGLY gracious and let us shoot at his apartment at 8 in the morning, and myself Nanea, Seth and Nathan busted it out in amazing time - so amazing that I took a picture! :) We gave ourselves til 10a to be wraping, and we were walking out at...

I was very proud of us :)

And then next morning it was a musical number in the front yard...with the marvelous Bryan Cooper lending us his beautiful self for a key moment.

I didn't get as many picture as I would have liked while we were filming, but you'll just have to wait and see the whole thing together! :) 

And here are a few stills from what we did in the evening - I haven't mentioned it yet but Angie Hobin is in this one and she is FANTASTIC and absolutely hilarious. 

Aaaaaand this is what Monkey House looks like when we're shooting :)

Stale Mate

Week 3! Again a script from Mr. Jesse James Rice, staring Nathan and Peyton, with makeup by Mr. Daniel Mahler. Shall I say epic make up by Mr. Daniel Mahler.

So Jesse actually wrote this script a couple of weeks ago - last week I believe - we were kicking around ideas and he goes "I've got one!" and ran upstairs for about an hour and pounded this out. Messed up some of the stuff that come outta that kid's head :)

We started with a nice pasta dinner (some of which you can see in the film :), then dove right into filming - or rather rearranging Monkey House, then filming.

Here are a few pictures of Dan's make up -

And a few random stills for your viewing pleasure -

Here ya go!





Week number 2 of Season 2 (as it has been decided are are now in, after our break :) - this was a fun one. In true Teaser Tuesday fashion, we didn't know exactly what we were going to be filming, but seeing as we have so many hilarious and talented friends we decided to give two of them a premise and let them run with it. Possibly not the best idea to have one of them wielding a prop gun into the wee hours of the morning before we have curtains in the house, but fortunately the cops didn't get called :)

I had SUCH a hard time keeping a straight face during this one, Matt (Thompson) and Justin (Jones) were constantly making me laugh with their improv - as soon as I'd gotten used to and been desensitized to one of the beats they came up with something else! Editing is going to be a b*tch with this one, because there was so much good stuff - including some seriously heart breaking moments from Seth getting his little piggies smashed.

And here it is!

