Sunday, June 19, 2011


The Teaser Tuesdays bunch has had quite a week! Sadly it has not included a film yet, but I feel pretty confident with all that has happened something...unique will come out of the experience :) Due to circumstances far beyond our control *coughidiotswhodon'tknowwhatthey'redoingcough* *coughalotofthemcough*, we have living in our 2 bedroom apartment, 5 people, 3 dogs, 2 fish tanks, and a whole lotta mess - looking like (as Nathan so eloquently put it) "we are squatting in a crack den"

But thanks to Seth, Nathan, and Jesse our kitchen looks great! :)

And I even have some help from Jax while blogging...I think we're gonna be ok :)

It's always an adventure!


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