Sunday, June 19, 2011


The Teaser Tuesdays bunch has had quite a week! Sadly it has not included a film yet, but I feel pretty confident with all that has happened something...unique will come out of the experience :) Due to circumstances far beyond our control *coughidiotswhodon'tknowwhatthey'redoingcough* *coughalotofthemcough*, we have living in our 2 bedroom apartment, 5 people, 3 dogs, 2 fish tanks, and a whole lotta mess - looking like (as Nathan so eloquently put it) "we are squatting in a crack den"

But thanks to Seth, Nathan, and Jesse our kitchen looks great! :)

And I even have some help from Jax while blogging...I think we're gonna be ok :)

It's always an adventure!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

To The Monkey House we go!

The Teaser Tuesday bunch is moving today! Jesse, Seth, and Nathan (along with Fiona and Jax) all have to be out of their apartments today. So we rented a big truck (that I had to drive, eek!) - 

From a rather shady looking location...

And loaded everybody up!

Ipo was a bit freaked out -


Jax was super helpful...

And we could not have done it without these amazing guys! 

Moving is insane. But it's all going to be so worth it :)


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

6.7.11 [Emily]

Today's shoot was different than anything we've done before...lots of traveling around good old Downtown Culver City, lots of picture taking. Many thanks to Miss Peyton McCormick for being our leading lady!


6.5.11 - Underground...

Sort of :) This weeks short featured the fabulous Justine Huxley underneath Le Chateau. It seemed fitting as Nanea and I approach our final days at this wonderful Culver City location we have called home for the past three years. With Seth and Nathan we're really excited about some of the camera work in this film, check out a few of our behind the scenes shots to get a glimpse of the magic being made! :)
